Locanda Stella Alpina is waiting for you!

Call us to receive more information about our rooms, the many services and the beautiful restaurant. You will be able to check with our staff the availability and the best solutions you can use with your family and friends.

Write us a message!

We will be happy to read your questions about room and restaurant booking services. For any great occasion, write or call us and together we will find a perfect solution for your needs.

Cliccando su Invia confermo di aver letto l'informativa sulla privacy e acconsento alla memorizzazione dei miei dati, secondo quanto stabilito dal regolamento europeo per la protezione dei dati personali n. 679/2016 (GDPR).


We will be happy to read your questions about room and restaurant booking services. For any great occasion, write or call us and together we will find a perfect solution for your needs.

Cliccando su Invia confermo di aver letto l'informativa sulla privacy e acconsento alla memorizzazione dei miei dati, secondo quanto stabilito dal regolamento europeo per la protezione dei dati personali n. 679/2016 (GDPR).

  • Where we are

    Via Campiello, 86, 36010 Tresché Conca, Roana VI

Terms of payment

Learn more about our fast and secure payment methods.

QR code Satispay Locanda Stella Alpina

We have joined the Satispay circuit to facilitate confirmation and booking operations.
Scan the QR code to connect.

Method of payment by bank transfer

Have you already booked and want to pay by bank transfer? Here is the information you need!

Banca Intesa Sanpaolo – Asiago branch
IBAN IT 43 D030 6960 1311 0000 0000 189